Jim Darnell and Dan Bastedo carrying the pump organ into the Brick Church Museum in October 2014.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Galen Historical Society 2016 Board of Directors
The Galen Historical Society finally has a complete Board of Directors for 2016. Brenda Wennersten and John Gould were elected to serve their first terms at the January Quarterly Meeting. Dave Hickey and Lisa Stirpe were also re-elected to remain on the board. Beth Bailey will continue as President, Cheryl Bonnell as Vice President, and Lisa Stirpe as Recording Secretary. Brenda Wennersten will take over as Treasurer from Jim Darnell, who recently retired from the board. Jim will continue as editor and publisher of the historical society newsletter Blockhouse Bulletin. Thank you, Jim Darnell, for all you have done, and continue to do, for the Galen Historical Society.