The 200th Anniversary of Galen Kick-Off Observance was held on Feb. 14, 2012 at the Galen Historical Society Brick Church Museum and featured a valentine display by Ruth Gillette, Rose Jean Strakal and Sherryle Godkin-Hoven. Rose Jean and Colleen Volpe made the anniversary cake that was as beautiful as it was tasty. Featured speakers were Hugh Miner and Steve Groat who told of life in Galen 200 years ago and 100 years ago. The video "150 Years of Clyde" was shown and enjoyed by those attending. The Clyde-Savannah Yorker club was present and was treated to a guided tour of museum by Mr. Miner. Other guests included the Wayne County Historian Peter Evans and Walworth Historian Gene Bavis and Liz Bavis. Jim Darnell moved the official I LOVE GALEN post office stamping to the museum for the afternoon. The cachets of envelopes are available at our museum in the gift shop.
Bicentennial/Valentine Display by Ruth Gillette, Rose Jean Strakal and Sherryle Godkin-Hoven |
Galen Bicentennial Cake by Rose Jean Strakal and Colleen Volpe |
Speaker Steve Groat talks about Galen's 200 year history. |
Attendees enjoy the "150 Years of Clyde" video. |
Clyde-Savannah Yorker Club |
Speaker Hugh Miner gives Yorker Club a tour of the GHS Museum. |
Wayne County Historian Peter Evans and Featured Speaker Steve Groat |
Walworth Historian Gene Bavis and Liz Bavis buy official I LOVE GALEN envelopes from special Postman Jim Darnell |
Galen Bicentennial First Day Covers are still available at the GHS gift shop. |