Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Summer 2019 Museum Open Hours & Display

Folks of the Galen Historical Society in Clyde have been working very hard to create a new display for their summer visitors at the Brick Church Museum. The exhibit will feature pictures and artifacts of downtown retailers in the mid-20th century. As in most small villages, the bustling sidewalks and thriving businesses have been hurt by the big retail chains, shopping malls and online shopping. This exhibit will give us a glimpse of what we have lost. Anyone who has pictures of downtown Clyde, the merchants, or artifacts of the old businesses and would be willing to loan or donate them to enhance the exhibit should call Hugh Miner at 315-923-4841.
The museum will be open on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 and during the Community Market on Thursdays from 3 to 6 starting on June 19 and ending on September 12.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Girl Scout Displays at Brick Church Museum for 2019

Not too busy on Saturday morning March 16th? Why not stop at the Brick Church Museum from 10am until 1pm and check out this year's Girl Scout displays? These clever and interesting exhibits cover topics from GS history to camping to how Girl Scouts enhances the lives of its members. Terri Williams will be happy to say hello and answer all of your questions. Yeah, Girl Scouts!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Galen Historical Society Presents a Show & Tell Program for January Quarterly Meeting

The Galen Historical Society is presenting a Show and Tell program for the January Quarterly meeting. Please bring your items to "show" to the membership, and the story you want to "tell" us about the items.  You can bring anything that is appropriate- nothing sexual or racially explicit- for the meeting. We prefer the items be historic and from the Galen/Clyde area, but it is not absolutely necessary. This is a good time to bring something that needs to be identified. Hopefully,  someone would know what it is and how to use it.
We are also asking the membership to vote on a change to the constitution. Every member that can attend the meeting is requested to be there for this important vote.
We hope to see you on Monday January 28th, 2019.