Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Town of Galen Celebrates 200 Years

On Valentines Day, the residents and friends of Galen can begin to celebrate its 200 years as a New York State Township.  It was on February 14, 1812, that the New York Legislature passed the bill that created the Town of Galen.

A Bicentennial Committee has been meeting weekly during the month of January to outline a series of observances.  The first one will occur on Valentines Day.  From 9 a.m. to noon there will be a special postal cancellation conducted by James Darnell at the Clyde Post Office on South Park Street.  Then at noon, Mr. Darnell will move his canceling operation across the village park to the Brick Church Museum.

Galen Bicentennial Postal Cancellation
At the Museum a reception will be held from noon to 3 p.m.  Along with the commemorative stamping of envelopes there will be a greeting by Town Supervisor Steve Groat at 12:15.  Everyone is invited to stop in for a few minutes or stay for a few hours.  At 1 p.m. a short talk will be delivered describing life in Galen and the USA in 1812.  Then at 2 p.m. another talk will focus on life one hundred years later in 1912.  Refreshments will be served. Tickets for the upcoming banquet will also be available.

Then on Saturday, March 24, a Bicentennial Banquet will be held at the Bud Hinman Post #947 V.F.W. Hall.  The social hour will begin at 4:30 p.m. and a buffet dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m.  The program is entitled "Glimpses of Galen" and will use the services of several presenters providing brief insights into both family and community life during Galen's 200 years. Service club and historical displays will be in evidence, along with background music and a slide show.  Tickets are $15 per person.

It is believed that various organizations in the Township will designate one of their activities during 2012 as a bicentennial observance in order to continue the year-long celebration.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New GHS Announcements Page

Welcome to the new Galen Historical Society Announcements Page (aka Galen Historical Society News)! To allow easier updates and facilitate late breaking news, the GHS Announcements page has been made into a blog.  You will still be able to get to this announcements page from the GHS web site menus, and you'll be able to get from this blog back to the GHS web site by clicking the Return to GHS link in the Links along the upper right of this page. In short, things should work almost the same way they have in the past.  Let us know if you have problems.  Thanks.